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Notes On The EVT Concept
By Michael Martin - Santa Clara, California
January, 2007
The following illustrations, animations, and graph are based on a novel* oscillating engine design conceived to address basic shortcomings in the traditional oscillator.  This design is intended to increase the flow of steam to and from the cylinder.  All basic proportions of the engine are based on conventional or "typical" design principles for oscillating steam engines.  The simple approach I have taken uses the same tools and techniques used in building conventional units.  The secret is in the layout.
EVT is short for Extended Valve Timing.  I have made a "Main Frame" (port block) to test out my theory.  I'll report back on practical tests once the engine is finished.

EVT Layout

The EVT design differs from conventional practice in the following ways:
  • The Steam and Exhaust Ports (stationary ports) are 150% the diameter of the cylinder port.  However, the size of the Cylinder Port (traveling port) remains the same as that established in past practice (its size is determined by the displacement of the engine).

  • The distance between the adjacent edges of the stationary ports (web width) is the same for the EVT design as in the Typical design. (Approximately 110% of the cylinder port diameter.) design as in the Typical design. (Approximately 110% of the cylinder port diameter.)

  • The Cylinder Port traverses the larger diameter Stationary Ports for an engineered amount of time, as opposed to the momentary alignment of ports in the Typical design.  See illustrations below)

  • The additional travel of the Cylinder Port is effected by increasing the distance from the trunnion to the Cylinder Port.  In other words, the arc length of the port path increases as the distance from the trunnion increases. 

EVT Animation

This animation shows the relationship between crank position and port alignment.  Notice the length of time that the cylinder port remains fully in communication with each of the stationary ports.  (The crank position diagram is synchronized with the port motion, but is not to scale.)

EVT vs. Conventional Flow Potential

This graph shows the total potential flow capacity of the EVT and a conventional (Typ.) design.

Notice the more rapid opening and closing of the EVT ports.

Notice also the flow at 20 degrees past TDC on the admission curves.  The conventional design yields roughly 25% while the EVT design delivers twice that.

The following illustrations capture the important events through a single revolution of a single acting oscillating steam engine.  The illustrations depict both the EVT and "Typical" layout in a single model to better compare the similarities and differences.  The illustrations are correctly scaled so that the relative difference in the size and location of the ports may be appreciated.  The actual engines would, of course, have only one set of ports.

Click on images to enlarge.  Use your browser's "back" button to return.

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*It seems reasonable to assume that in the past 150 years, someone else would have also discovered this method of port proportioning and layout - yet I am unable to find any documentation supporting a prior claim to its development.  I would be very interested in hearing from anyone that has had any experience with a similar approach, or knows of an engine design employing the principles described.

All content © 2006-2007, Michael Martin.  All Rights Reserved.

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Last updated Sunday, January 14, 2007